
15 Ways You Can Improve Your Fluency in Advanced English

Shivani Sharma

Shivani Sharma

Improve Fluency in Advanced English

Do you know that you can improve your fluency in English with the help of the internet? To do that you just need to follow our tips and tricks. We understand that one needs fluency in English in order to prosper in a competitive environment.


Whether you are a student, a housewife, or a businessman, fluency in English is something that everybody needs. Don’t worry. To ensure you succeed, we present to you 15 ways to improve advanced English.


Therefore, you can flourish by just following our article. We have meticulously crafted these 15 ways which will help you to achieve fluency in English. Without blabbering any further let’s dive directly into the article. Shall we?


1) Converse With People in English


It is one of the most effective ways to improve advanced English. Irrespective of the mistakes you might make while conversing in English, you should at least make the effort to speak in English. Conversing regularly in English will improve your language skills.


Despite the fillers and hiccups, conversations in English will instill in you, betterment. Moreover, your pronunciation will also improve, and you will achieve fluency.


We often find people shying away from speaking in English. There is no need to shy away or get scared while speaking in English. The more you try, the more improvements you will make. Therefore, converse with your family and friends in English to improve your fluency.


2) Refer to Dictionaries


In order to improve language fluency, one must refer to dictionaries. Taking help from dictionaries will benefit you in multiple ways.


  • It will enrich your glossary and enlarge your vocabulary.
  • You will learn the correct spellings of various words.
  • Incorporating the newly learned words in your regular sentences will increase your fluency.


Therefore, taking help from an enriched lexicon will surely help in language efficiency.


3) Focus on Pronunciations


Your pronunciations will either make your accent fab or make it drab. Correct pronunciations will automatically increase your fluency. For instance, you are at your workplace and a meeting is about to commence.


Your presentation will impress others if you use the correct pronunciations. In order to pronounce correctly, you can take help from the internet which has become a hub for knowledge.


Breaking the syllables and pronouncing them accordingly will help you in achieving fluency. You can also refer to articles and videos on the internet to pronounce correctly. Therefore, focus on your pronunciation and sound fab.


4) Avail Tuition Classes


Another way to improve your fluency in English is by joining tuition classes. A coaching center will teach you advanced English step by step. Their curriculum and syllabus will help you to learn English fluently.


They will focus on the enrichment of vocabulary, correct pronunciation, correct grammar, and spelling. A tuition class will cover all the basic portions of English systematically, and you will achieve fluency. Wondering where to enroll yourself? Don’t worry. We are here to solve your dilemma.


We provide systematic classes to improve your fluency in English. Our advanced English-speaking class will teach you how to frame sentences and enrich your glossary. We will teach you advanced nouns, verbs and adjectives to enable you to speak fluently in English. Therefore, join our advanced English-speaking class to speak English fluently.


5) Your Thoughts Should Be in English


To improve fluency, you must start thinking in English. For instance, start thinking about your daily activities in English. Instead of thinking in your mother tongue, think in English.


This will increase your fluency and make you a connoisseur of English. Certain ways to think in English are as follows.


  • Take words, for example, and translate them in English.
  • While conversing with yourself try to think of each sentence in English.
  • You should keep thinking in English daily. This will expand your practice time and improve your fluency.


Therefore, thinking in English is definitely beneficial for those who want to improve their fluency. So, do not linger for another minute and start thinking in English from now on.


6) Try to Speak in Public


Public speaking is one way which will improve your advanced English. Giving speeches in public will enhance and increase your confidence. You can also learn from your mistakes and rephrase. It will benefit your career and induce critical thinking in you.


It will increase your speaking speed and make you affluent in advanced English. You will also learn how to avoid fillers and pauses. Public speaking will help you to speak at a stretch and boost your confidence. Therefore, start communicating with the public in English and increase fluency.


7) Reading Books


One of the most effective and efficient ways of improving fluency in advanced English is by reading books. Books will not only improve your English but will instill knowledge in you.


You will learn how to frame sentences, your lexicon will get enhanced by just reading books. It will teach you correct grammar and spellings. It will also help you to think in English and improve your writing skills as well.


Books will spark creativity in you and it will induce you in critical thinking. Reading books will open up new perspectives to you and play a part in your character development. Therefore, read as many books as possible.


8) Learn Synonyms


Learning synonyms of various words will help in vocabulary expansion. Whenever you see a new word, note the word down and search up for its synonyms. It will not only help you with fluency, but you will learn new words each time.


Considering your benefits we have listed some words with their synonyms below.


  • Happy – Synonyms of happy are cheerful, jubilant, content, ecstatic, delighted etc.
  • Sad – Synonyms of sad are melancholy, sorrow, somber, mournful and dismal.
  • Worry – Some synonyms of worry are fret, apprehension, concern, doubt, anxious etc.


Therefore, these were some basic words along with their synonyms. You can also make your own list of words by writing down different words with their synonyms.


9) Focus on Your Grammar


No matter how much you expand your vocabulary, you need to know the correct grammar to hit it big. For instance, say you are in a business meeting, and you have a presentation to give.


But you use the wrong verbs, nouns, and tenses while giving your speech. Now, no matter how fabulous your presentation is, incorrect grammar will create a negative impact on others. Therefore, it is an absolute necessity for you to learn and use correct grammar.


We have listed some basic grammar rules below.


  • Always use past participles with “has”, “had” and “have”. Example – has gone, had done, have eaten.
  • Always use “s” while you are referring to something plural. Example – mangoes, bats, balls etc.


Therefore, correct grammar will increase your fluency and enfold you with acclaim.


10) Punctuation Plays a Significant Role


In order to achieve fluency in English, you must use punctuation correctly. The punctuation marks signify whether you should pause after a sentence or carry on without a glitch.


For example, when you use a comma you should give a little pause before saying the next word. Similarly, a full stop signifies the end of a sentence. We often come across people who read a text without giving stress on the punctuation marks.


This does not only make the text sound bizarre but is also grammatically incorrect. Therefore, please do not overlook the punctuation marks and use them correctly while giving a speech.


11) Try Playing Word Games


Another way of improving your fluency in advanced English is by playing word games. You can try out word games or word puzzles in magazines and newspapers. This will not only help you to build a strong network of words but also sharpen up your mind.


You can try out wordoku or try crossword puzzles. This will incorporate in you a habit of creating new words. You will come to learn new words and use them in daily sentences. Therefore, try this mental exercise and learn new words.


12) Incorporate the Habit of Writing


The habit of writing will not only help you to learn English but spark creativity in you. It will nurture your inner artistry and help you with fluency. Whether you write an article, a diary, or a journal, you will be able to improve your advanced English.


You can also write stories, novels, essays, and even blank verses. It will help you with creative thinking and also increase your writing speed. Therefore, pick up your pen and start writing from today.


13) Include Idioms and Proverbs in Your Daily Speeches


Including idioms and proverbs in your daily speeches will help you to sound like a native speaker. It will increase your understanding of the language. It will also impart an essence that will surround you with betterment and improvement.


We will share certain idioms and proverbs with you.


  • Hit the hay – It refers to a person who is covered with exhaustion and wants to have a worry-free sleep.
  • Takes two to tango – It simply means that it takes two persons to create a mishap. In other words, it means that both sides are responsible.
  • Piece of cake – It refers to something that is extremely easy for a person. Example – The sum was a piece of cake for her.


Therefore, use idioms like these in your daily speeches and sound smart.


14) Shun Away Conversational Fillers


Conversational fillers like “uhs” and “ums”  make the quality of your conversations poor. Therefore, try to avoid fillers and replace them with smarter sentences. You can also use small pauses instead of using fillers.


Practice your speech beforehand in order to avoid the fillers. You may also write down your thoughts and memorize them in order to abstain from using fillers. You can also record yourself so that you can listen to yourself and rectify your mistakes. Therefore, steer clear of fillers and sound like native peers.


15) Practice and Practice!


We all know that practice drives a person towards perfection. Therefore, practice speaking and writing in English as much as possible. Do not fret about the mistakes that you may commit. You may face difficulties and hurdles while practicing.


But those obstacles will shape your character and help in your development. Therefore, think in English, jot down your thoughts in English, say them out loud and repeat. Keep practicing in order to excel.


Therefore, these were the 15 ways to improve advanced English. Now, you don’t need to get scared of English anymore. Get up, brush up on your skills and start practicing from today. You can follow me on Instagram for daily tips and tricks.

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